Re: Lawsuit of Ahmad Aliff bin A S Ahmad Shariffuddin (Ifcon Technology) against former employee Ahmad Ali Husni bin Othman Azumi (Facebook: for Defamation of Character

Ali Husni, a former programmer with our company, has pleaded guilty to slanderous statements, which has caused irreparable damage to our reputation. During a mediation session, he has requested for a resolution to be reached outside of court proceeding. (Refer to attachment below)

Ali accused us of operating a ponzi scheme on Facebook publicly, as well as outside of social media, spreading lies and slander to our other employees. However, he has since rescinded his statements in court. We have decided to accept his apologies on the advice of our lawyer, as our lawyer mentioned that he (Ali) was crying with tears full of regret during the discussion session.

Due to compassion, we decided not to proceed with the lawsuit as long as Ali has pleaded guilty in the honorable court. For your information, during his employment with our company, Ali has not once completed any of his assigned projects. He was frequently discovered wasting time with empty talks and butting into others’ businesses.

Up until today, all the mess he has left us with, are still being cleaned up by his former colleagues. According to others, he would often try to poke around into sensitive and confidential financial information, and was even caught at least once trying to open financial reports of our other companies.

He is also the source of all the lies and slanders provided to the Facebook entity named Luqmanul Hakim Abd Rahim (LHAR) that has defamed us. Most of the “fake” stories about us was spread by LHAR. Who else would have that kind of information if not him (Ali)?

According to our employees, Ali had admitted that he met with the entity LHAR and mentioned that the entity LHAR is acquainted with AG (Attorney General), amongst others. He once told us that the entity LHAR is very rich and compared to him, we are very poor. Besides that, he had also lodged a false police report against us.

We did not know that Ali was the source of all the lies and slander spread about us for a very long time. Even though his work performance was lacking, we treated him kindly and gave him Raya bonus to help him. We were also contemplating on repaying his PTPTN loan for him.

Right after we started utilizing “screenshot monitor” system to monitor productivity, he began to rebel. He did not switch on the system. Why? Clearly it’s because he is not doing any work. He proclaimed that he was a full-stack developer, yet he only managed to submit 1 line of code every day. He also failed to see through a project we subcontracted to Freelancer and asked him to manage.

We suspected that his attitude and bad working ethics were partly due to feelings of jealousy and hatred towards another programmer, who was performing very well and often praised by the management. Looking at his work history, he has never stayed long in any particular working place, which lends more proof that he was a problematic employee.

Finally, we suspect he misappropriated our company’s database and codes, and these stolen data were then passed on to the entity LHAR, who would then boast that he has our client database. Ali has even offered us database and codes from his former working place. As such, it would be too much of stretch that he would do the same thing to our intellectual property.

In this month full of blessings, our hope is that he would repent and change to become better. On our part, we are still trying to forgive and move forward from his transgressions.

ps : Court judgement is a public document.

[Kenyataan Rasmi]

Saman saudara Ahmad Aliff bin A S Ahmad Shariffuffuddin (Ifcon Technology) terhadap bekas pekerja Ahmad Ali Husni bin Othman Azumi, (Facebook: )

Ahmad Ali Husni bin Othman Azumi bekas pekerja kami, seorang programmer telah mengaku memfitnah kami dan meminta penyelesaian di luar mahkamah ketika sesi mediasi. (Rujuk lampiran di bawah)

Dia telah memfitnah pihak kami menjalankan aktiviti ponzi sebelum ini di Facebook secara terbuka dan di luar Facebook kepada pekerja-pekerja kami yang lain. Tetapi sudah menarik kenyataannya di mahkamah. Kami telah menerima permohonan maaf tersebut kerana menurut peguam kami, dia menangis-nangis ketika sesi perbincangan.

Atas sifat perikemanusiaan, kami tidak teruskan saman kami asalkan dia mengaku salah di mahkamah yang mulia. Untuk pengetahuan sahabat-sahabat semua, sepanjang dia bekerja dengan kami, tiada satu pun projek yang dia selesaikan. Dia hanya suka berborak dengan menyibuk urusan orang lain. Sehingga kini, segala tahi yang ditinggalkannya masih dibersihkan oleh pekerja kami yang lain. Menurut pekerja-pekerja lain, dia suka menyibuk tentang financial syarikat dan pernah ditangkap membuka laporan kewangan syarikat kami yang lain.

Dia juga menjadi dalang fitnah yang menyampaikan cerita-cerita dusta kepada entiti Facebook bernama Luqmanul Hakim Abd Rahim (LHAR) yangi memfitnah kami. Kerana itu kebanyakan cerita-cerita “fake” kami kepada dia diceritakan oleh LHAR. Siapa lagi yang menyampaikan kalau bukan dia?

Menurut para pekerja kami, dia pernah mengaku berjumpa dengan entiti LHAR dan memberitahu yang entiti LHAR mengenali AG (peguam negara) dan macam-macam lagi. Dia juga pernah memberitahu kami yang entiti LHAR sangat kaya dan kami miskin. Selain itu, dia juga membuat laporan polis palsu terhadap pihak kami.

Sebelum ini kami tidak tahu kenapa dia melakukan fitnah tersebut. Sedangkan kami melayannya dengan baik walaupun dia tidak “perform”, kami tetap memberi bonus raya atas dasar kemanusiaan. Kami juga pernah bercadang untuk membayarkan hutang PTPTN dia. Selepas kami menggunakan system “screenshot monitor” kepada kesemua programmer kami, dia mula memberontak. Dia tidak “turn on” system tersebut. Kenapa? Sebab dia memang tidak buat kerja. Sehari hanya 1 baris code. Sedangkan dia mengaku dia seorang “full stack” developer. Projek yang kami “sub” di Freelancer dan hanya suruh dia “manage” juga tidak selesai.

Rupanya sifat cemburu dan dengki terhadap seorang programmer baru lain yang sangat “perform” dan dipuji menjadi punca syaitan merasuk dirinya. Jika merujuk sejarah kariernya, kita akan dapati dia tidak pernah kerja lama di satu-satu tempat kerja. Bukti dia ialah seorang pekerja bermasalah.

Selain itu, kami juga mengesyaki dia telah mengambil “database” dan kod milik syarikat. Mana mungkin entiti LHAR boleh mengaku memiliki database client kami jika bukan diberikan olehnya. Dia pernah menawarkan kepada kami “database” dan kod milik majikan lamanya. Tidak mustahil dia melakukan perkara yang sama terhadap harta intelek kami.

Di bulan yang mulia ini, kami berharap dia sudah berubah dan bertaubat. Kami sedang cuba memaafkannya.

ps : Penghakiman mahkamah adalah dokumen awam.

Ifcon Technology Sdn Bhd
Ahmad Aliff bin A S Ahmad Shariffuddin
Nik Muhammad Izwan bin Nik Mohd Kamel

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