Aside from Ahmad Ali Husni bin Othman Azumi, we have also filed a suit against another of our former employees, Muhammad Faiz bin Arifin ( who was also a programmer.

Faiz was caught stealing digital assets owned by the company, after which, he vanished without a trace. We had offered a bounty to whoever can provide information to find Faiz. In the end, Faiz himself made contact with us, and admitted to his crime by returning the amount of the digital assets he had stolen.

However, in order to save face, he falsely accused us of operating Ponzi schemes and money laundering activities, even though all we instructed him to do was improve and upgrade on the scripts for an exchanger. He was also working with the entity Luqmanul Hakim Abd Rahim (LHAR) to defame our reputation.

During the submission of documents to the court, Faiz himself had submitted a document that our side had overlooked, which contains his own admission of stealing and our instructions regarding the exchanger on Whatsapp. Therefore, our side had referred to his document to answer his lawyer.

Due to his weak position in court (with a big probability of losing), Faiz made his presence in court in a rush on the day of mediation between our side and Ali Husni in order to apologize. Since we did not want to waste any more time than we already had, we decided to accept his apology under the condition that the judgement draft should be written by our side.

Faiz is a quiet person, but also dishonest. He not only steal from us, he is even brazen enough to throw false accusation in sprite of his crime. Faiz was once terminated as an employee breaching his contract. He went AWOL for 2 weeks without informing us because his fiancee left him on the day of his marriage. When he came back begging to be re-employed, we gave him a second chance because we were considerate of his circumstances.

He was the source of all the slanderous statements made by Ali Husni and LHAR against us. This time, it is not so easy for us to simply forgive him. We do hope that he has repented and will change for the better. Until now, we are still trying to forgive him.

Refer to attachment: Court Judgement is a public document

Kenyataan Rasmi

Selain Ahmad Ali Husni bin Othman Azumi, kami juga telah menyaman seorang lagi bekas pekerja kami, juga seorang programmer yang bernama Muhammad Faiz bin Ariffin.

Faiz telah ditangkap mencuri set digital milik syarikat. Setelah dia ditangkap, dia menghilangkan diri. Kami telah mengeluarkan “bounty” kepada pemberi maklumat untuk menjejakinya. Akhirnya telah telah menghubungi kami, mengaku mencuri dengan memulangkan aset digital yang dicuri.

Tetapi, untuk menyelamatkan diri, dia telah memfitnah kami melakukan aktiviti ponzi dan mencuci wang haram. Walhal kami menyuruh dia membaiki dan menaiktaraf skrip “exchanger”. Dia juga telah bekerjasama dengan entiti Luqmanul Hakim Abd Rahim (LHAR) untuk memfitnah kami.

Ketika serahan dokumen di mahkamah, dia sendiri telah menghantar satu dokumen yang pihak kami sendiri telah lupa iaitu pengakuan dia mencuri dan arahan kami tentang “exchanger” di applikasi whatsapp. Jadi, pihak kami menggunakan dokumen yang dia sendiri serahkan untuk menjawab peguamnya.

Setelah dia berasa dia tidak boleh menang di mahkamah, Faiz telah terhegeh-hegeh hadir ke mahkamah ketika hari “mediation” kami dengan Ali Husni untuk memohon maaf. Untuk tidak membuang banyak masa, kami terima permohonan maafnya dengan syarat draft penghakiman adalah ditulis oleh pihak kami.

Faiz ialah seorang yang pendiam, tetapi tidak amanah. Bukan saja telah mencuri, bahkan dia sanggup memfitnah pihak kami. Faiz pernah dibuang kerja kerana menghilangkan diri tiba-tiba selama 2 minggu, kerana ditinggalkan tunangnya sebelum hari perkahwinan. Kemudian, dia menangis-nangis datang untuk bekerja kembali. Kami memberi peluang kembali atas dasar kemanusiaan.

Dia telah menjadi punca Ali Husni dan LHAR memfitnah kami. Faiz juga telah memadamkan web “client” kami kerana ingin sabotaj perniagaan kami. Tidak mudah untuk kami maafkannya. Kami harap dia sudah berubah dan bertaubat. Kami juga sedang cuba memaafkannya.

Rujuk lampiran : Penghakiman Mahkamah adalah dokumen awam.

Ifcon Technology Sdn Bhd
Ahmad Aliff bin A S Ahmad Shariffuddin
Nik Muhammad Izwan bin Nik Mohd Kamel

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